
Member#: 5 Location: Registered: 24-07-2002 Diary Entries: 71
Mood: Well Chuffed
22nd February 2003
Windsurfing: Marazion Cornwall Wind Direction: SE Wind Stength: Surf / Sea State: Air Temperature: Sea Temperature: Weather: Max Speed: Distance Covered:
Got out for a windsurf at Marazion, there was a good turn out of sailors
including Timo and the Boards Mag team giving it some stick. As for me I
took out my Naish board and 5m NR as it was looking a fairly blowy SE when
I got there. I didn't think the little vitsea board would do me any favours
as there was a wind shadow from the mount and it can get a little sinky.
Unfortuantly I struggled somewhat on the way out through the waves,
everytime I lost board speed I was luffing up so I ended up spending heaps
of time changing/moving fins, tweaking the rig, moving harness lines, I
managed to get it a bit better but still found that if I lost speed the
board just swivled into the wind, not ideal when your head to wind in front
of a 8ft wave face ! On the plus side the board is great on a wave, even
after a fight to get out back the rides back in were really good fun,
although I do seem to have a habit of outrunning the wave. I did get one
nice big wave which left me pretty stoked as I managed a nice backside turn
off the lip and did some free fall into the white water before again
outrunning the wave back to the beach. Having thought since about my
problems with luffing up, I think I should maybe have tried a bigger sail
although I would probably have had too much power for the nice rides on the
way back in. I did pick up a good tip from watching the guys from Boards,
they seemed to plane so quickly, and after watching there pumping technique
I have nearly got it cracked, looks so easy when they do it and it does
seem pretty effective, so something I'm going to have to keep practising.
Then I finished the day off with a few beers and a curry, good result !
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